Saturday 23 November 2013

souvenir de voyage. 2003 - 2013 November 23rd

today is my 10 years first flight anniversary. i know it's not a real occurence, but i'm still in a celebration mood. my passport has expired a couple of months ago. i remember the thrilling of having it in my hands, imaculate, dreaming of the flight i was going to take, for the very first time, to Brazil, on november 23rd, year 2003.

since then, i have taken every chance i could to travel. so, i have been collecting memories, pictures and a lot of little objects that i love to use and have around in my everyday life, my souvenir de voyage.

last summer i went to an exhibition {andata e ricordo, souvenir de voyage} at Mart museum in Rovereto, dedicated to the art of travel souvenirs. it was a colorful and funky collection. it made me pawing to get home and open my box of memories: a magic box full of boarding cards, metro cards, train tickets, pamphlets, maps, museum tickets, postcards, notes, concert tickets, sketches. i could fill a wall of that exhibiton, too.

so, i want to show you some of my dearest travel mementos, and i hope you'd tell me what yours are.

a teapot from a roadtrip across Morocco, with three dear friends. i use it as a pen (and masking tape!) holder. i'm glad to have something to remind me of that sweet mint scent, on my desk.

the beatles matrioska! bought from a stall in St. Petersburg, just outside the church of the savior on spilled blood.

a bowtie i love to wear on special occasions. it came from Koenji, my favorite suburb in Tokyo. i bought it in a little shop, near the cutest Hattifnatt Cafè. i don't know if it still exists, but the address is 2-18-10 Koenji Kita, Suginami ku, Tokyo. {the ballerina, horse and little bell in the back are from a shop in Berlin. they were meant to be put on a necklace, but in the end i never did}

shoes i bought in London! it's been years but i still think they're gorgeous.

miss swallow, who flew home with us from Lisboa and now lives above our bed. and a hat from Tallin{made by emma leppermann, a local designer}, in a old picture with my beloved ice. while travelling, i usually buy hats, this is just one of my collection!

do you like souvenirs? while travelling, do you have any objects in particular that you love to take home with you, like hats in my case?

post scriptum
this is what happened to the beatles matrioska after that picture. and now you've met bice, kitten who is about to become the new oreste's best friend.
{taken with VSCOcam}


  1. Thank you so much for remembering our exhibition. Do keep an eye on our program, we might get into a travel mood again sooner or later

    1. you really are a smart museum! thank you for stopping by, i hope to visit you soon (even if you're not in a travel mood!)

  2. This post is so sweet, Silvia! A 10th first flight anniversary, what a lovely thing to celebrate!
    You've been traveling so much, indeed you must have so many wonderful memories!
    And the souvenirs you've chosen to share with us today are very unique and incredibly stylish!

  3. Qualsiasi cosa a cui teniamo è importante. Buon 10° anniversario di viaggio!
    Deliziosi i tuoi souvenirs.... di sapore retrò. I like it!!

    1. grazie marika! per il ventesimo organizzerò qualcosa di favoloso :)

  4. I travel so little that i don't have any specific item to think of as a souvenir,i love your choices,everything so pretty <3

  5. ... vi seguo da tempo e devo dire che trovo semplicemente gradevole lo stile con cui ci rendete partecipi di una parte della vostra vita... Leggervi è sempre una picevole sensazione!!

    1. caro cosimo, grazie del commento e dei complimenti! bello anche il tuo blog, tornerò a visitarlo :)

  6. bees questo é il mio post preferito. Io a casa ho un libro dove ho attaccato tutti i miei biglietti di aerei/viaggi dal 2002.....peccato che in questi anni sia stato trascurato dal fatto che ho traslocato milioni di volte e quindi rimane a casa......
    la teiera poi come portapenne, a mio marito verrebbe un colpo!!!! <3

    1. grazie mon ami ♥
      devi assolutamente riprendere l'album dei viaggi!!
      non far vedere la teiera a driss, per carità ;)


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