Friday 20 March 2015

ink your travel

it's time to share a news with all of you. a news i've been looking forward to tell you for weeks, about a project i delevoped with Irene {travel blogger at}in the last few months.

it's about drawing, it's about travelling. 

so, let me finally introduce you Ink your Travel, a mini-collection of hand drawn t-shirts, designed for travellers.

we chose the first day of spring to be our big day - the launch - , cause we think it may bring luck. so many lovely things happen in spring, don't they?

Irene is a real travel addicted, a citizen of the world. for quite some time, she had the idea of tees made especially for travel lovers: soft, comfortable and well designed. we met a couple of years ago {during this trip} and then she saw my little drawings on this blog. she thought they would be perfect for her idea. so, it became our project.

we chose to give them four different souls, four different drawings that stand for four kind of approaches to travelling: there is practical traveller, the adventurous one, the dreamer and the writer.

the drawings are handmade by myself and then silkscreened in black on white t-shirts.

✎ Pack, Wear, Go is meant for well-organized, enthusiast and indipendent travellers.

 Scrapbook is for those who do not leave home without their notebook, to put on paper every small     detail and emotion, in order to make their trip unforgettable.

✎ Wanderlust is for dreamers. They choose the next trip pointing their finger on a map with their         eyes closed.

✎ Just go is for the roadtrip addicted, for them is the journey, not the destination, that matters.

the project has its own website and e-shop, if you want to know more. but first of all, give me your opinion 
do you like it? which one do you prefer? 

this adventure begins now and i could not be more excited. the Ink Your Travel are limited edition, a pilot collection. we still don’t know if we’re going to print more of them, we still don’t know if there will be new designs, new angles to picture new sides of travelling.

we’ll find inspiration along the road, as always happens.


  1. Wow! Super lovely project!! Good luck!

  2. Oh my, dear Siliva! These are absolutely FAN-TAS-TIC! I really really have to get one! I'd love to get one for my boyfriend as well. I will order them as soon as possible!
    My favourite is the Pack, Wear, Go, but honestly, I love them all. Fantastic idea!

    1. thank you polly! we're now working for printing some of them in men sizes, too
      i'm really happy you like the project! ♥

  3. In bocca al lupo carissime, le vostre t-shirt gireranno il mondo! :)

  4. Sono bellissime!! Complimenti e in bocca al lupo per il vostro progetto!!

  5. Idea meravigliosa, ora me le guardo e mi sa che ne acquisto una se non sono già esaurite! :D

    1. non ci aspettavamo tutto questo affetto, davvero! a breve arriveranno le ristampe :)

  6. Sono stupende!!!!
    Spero di riuscire a prenderne una perchè meritano davvero!!
    ..e me la vedo addosso per il prossimo viaggio che farò! :)

    1. ....presa!!!
      pack, wear, go!

    2. evvivaaaaaa :)
      purtroppo ero in trasferta per lavoro e sono rientrata operativa oggi, ho un sacco di spedizioni da preparare ma al più presto la tua ink your travel arriverà. falla viaggiare tanto! ;)

  7. Replies
    1. thank you dear nancy! which one do you prefer?

  8. i love this project :) all the t shirts are wonderful! Congratulations dear Silvia!

    1. thank you sara ♥♥♥♥
      i'd love to know which one is your favorite :)

  9. What a wonderful project!! I love the wanderlust and the just go tees ! so cute!!

    1. thank you barbara :)
      wanderlust and just go have been the most requested so far.

  10. Aah a wonderful project. I like the Just go, but i love your drawings so i'd probably want them all hehe.
    All the best..someday maybe i'll own them too:)

    1. thank you!! it would be amazing to send one so far away! :)
      (we ship worldwide by the way! eheheh!)

  11. what a wonderful and creative idea! good luck silvia! 頑張って!

  12. Ciao! :) ma che carine queste magliette! le ho viste indosso alle care blogger che seguo! :) Ho molti viaggetti in programma per i prossimi mesi, tutti da raccontare sul blog... e averne una da indossare e mostrare mi divertirebbe... per altre info?
    ciao Grazie e buon tutto! Nicoletta (alias) Monticiana-per amore e per ridere :)

    1. ciao Nicoletta, grazie!
      trovi tutte le info necessarie sui modelli disponibili e su come acquistarli su in più, se ti può servire, abbiamo caricato alcuni materiali utili in questa pagina (foto in alta, un po' di storia, qualche link di qualcuno che ha deciso di parlare di noi) >>
      spero di esserti stata d'aiuto, in caso mi trovi sempre qui :)


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