Monday 8 April 2013

time for spring buds. bruscandoli risotto.

 many species of our wild herbs are edible. this is the best season to harvest some spring buds to prepare traditional tasty dishes.
my grandma taught me to recognize, clean and cook some of the most common wild herbs. among them, bruscandoli {or bruscandoi} are my favorites. it's a veneto dialect word , and it identifies the humulus lupulus wild buds {wild hop}.

in northen italy, they grow spontaneously in the countryside: among thorns, under the hedges and along ditches. you have to harvest the last 15 cm, the softest, green-reddish part. 

used to cook a  risotto or an omelette {frittata}, they give their best. 

this time, me and Marco used them for risotto. after cleaning and chopping (not too short), cook over a low heat in a saucepan, with a finely chopped white onion. add the rice after about ten minutes, then cook it like a regular risotto, with broth. 


  1. I love the bruscandoli risotto (or pasta like linguine)too!

    1. thanks for the comment, boubou! ♥
      next time we'll invite you and tommi over :)

  2. this is wonderful, Silvia! and that risotto looks delicious!
    I find it beautiful how many interesting things you know about the traditions of Northern Italy - you even know how to recognize and cook herbs! that is a wonderful heritage you should be super proud of!

    1. thank you, polly! i'm glad you appreciate this kind of things i'm sharing here.
      i'm hardly an expert in local traditions, but i'm passionately curious about them, and i'm learning! i don't want this kind of heritage to be forgotten and lost, with the generational shift. so, i'm sharing those "lost skills" i know about here, for anyone interested. :)

  3. I love to fetch food to cook something although it's very rare i do so (lazy creature here)

    Your risotto looks so tasty and it's lunch hour here,hum i would eat it all in a blink of an eye <3


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