Thursday, 28 June 2018

wildiary: a photo log from wildays 2018, the festival for motorbike and outdoor enthusiasts

a few weeks ago, our lambretta, Marco and I had the chance to attend, along with hundreds of other motorbike & outdoor enthusiasts, to Wildays, a crazy festival at the racetrack of Varano de Melegari in Emilia Romagna where we spent 3 days surrounded by wilderness, vintage, gasoline, cool people, aperitivi and music.

for a very long time I've been looking at the motorcycle scene as something very far and different from our taste, experience and expectations. two different worlds. probably since our road trip to Vietnam, where we rent a vintage Ural sidecar, I've been feeling differently, seeing a bigger and bigger common ground made of shared excitement and passion for being on the road on two wheels, no matter the size or the age. 

and, speaking of shared passions, this field trip gave us also the opportunity to fulfil a longstanding dream of Marco: a visit to the Ferrari's factory and museum in Maranello. 

here, our wildiary in pictures.

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