Saturday 8 February 2014

italian lexicon for the curious traveller

if you have been reading this blog for a while, you probably came across italian words like osteria, agriturismo, malga...
i studied foreign languages for a few years, and i know that some words just cannot be translated, without giving up a small part of their original meaning. so, it's about time to share a little lexicon designed for anyone who wants to travel and discover the rural Itay, and for anyone who is naturally curious.
this new blog section is called italian lexicon for curious travellers and from now on you can find it n the right column. i will keep it updated, hope you like it!
have a lovely weekend 


  1. This is an awesome idea, Silvia! I'm sure all non-italian speakers will be enthusiastic about it! And Italian ones too... I didn't know what "malga" was until now!

    1. really? there aren't malghe near your hometown?

  2. I agree this is a wonderful idea!!

  3. Nice idea! Sometimes you can't do anything but say the Italian word.. and you need to explain it!

  4. This is an excellent touch to add upon your beautiful photographs and travel talk, silvia! :)


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