Wednesday 28 August 2013

lambretta in Calabria. July, Sunday 21st

i've said we could not bring our lambretta in Calabria. true. but this didn't stop us to take a lambretta ride on the calabrian streets.
we found out that near the Raganello Valley there is a quite large and lively lambretta club, it would have been a shame not to meet them!

the Lambretta Club Calabriais based in Castovillari, a town near Civita. they were so nice to come and pick us up. after a quick ride, they showed us the club HQ, so while they talked about lambretta and motors stuff, i was free to browse through the incredible amount of memorabilia they collected: posters, scarfs and above all, photos. dozen of vintage photos of couples, families, friends with their lambretta. black and white daily life scenes, documenting the italian rural life from the fifties to the seventies. all the pictures has been taken in the Cosenza province. Simone, the guy who invited us in the first place, owner of a shiny purple and white lambrettas, was so kind to send me some of them, so here they are:

{nikon f-801 + fujicolor 200}


  1. it looks so magical! even more with the lambrettas! what a great adventure it must have been :))

  2. I love these photographs - both yours and the old ones of the Lambretta club!
    You must have had a very beautiful ride! :-)

  3. Per un attimo ho pensato che foste andati in Calabria in Lambretta... Ho pensato contemporaneamente: 1. sono due pazzi e 2. ci avranno impegato giorni e giorni... E invece! :D

    1. sarebbe stato bellissimo ma avremmo dovuto prendere come minimo 2 settimane di ferie. come minimo.
      ma prima o poi un Lungo viaggio lo faremo..!

  4. Replies
    1. i'll ask to the club to send me some more! there were some portraits of couples and families that i'd love to show you!

  5. Premetto che io adoro la lambretta, soprattutto se vintage!
    queste foto non possono che avermi rapita il cuore. Conservale con amore :)
    per quanto riguarda il viaggio in lambretta.. sarebbe un sogno!
    Stiamo pensando di farlo in Grecia.. ma chissà.. :D

    1. il giro del Peloponneso in lambretta.. wow!


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