Thursday 16 August 2012

Following the water, Cison di Valmarino. August, Tuesday 14th

Cison di Valmarino is a small town grown in the shadow of a castle. It still maintains a medieval allure, with all its narrow alleys and stone cottages. Surrounded by mountains, lavish with green and splashing water, it's the perfect scenario for fairies and elves stories.

Every August, streets are filled with tourist come in search of handmade treasures: Artigianato Vivo (means "living handicraft", or something like that) is known as one of the best arts&crafts market in Treviso area.

Smell of frittelle, kids asking for cotton candy, vendors offering tastes of cheese, sparks coming from a knife grinder.

We don't like the crowd, so we choose to take a path called la Via dell'Acqua ("water path"), a trail that follows the Rujo torrent and its artificial branches among ruined houses, old mills, traditional open-air sink, wood bridges.

We enjoyed the quiet atmosphere, surrounded by twitterings, shadows, small roaring waterfalls, disappearing traditions.

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