Monday, 4 January 2016

my 2016 travel dreams in watercolors

happy, happy new year! 
i hope 2016 found you well, healthy, in good company and with a brand new list of resolutions in your pocket.

of course i've done mine. it's thinner than usual, as i'm gonna spend most part of my free time and energy {not to mention savings} organizing the wedding {missed something? check this post}, at least for the first time of the year.

anyway, it doesn't mean that this narrow version of the new year's to do-list is lacking a chapter entirely dedicated to travels.
i tried to keep it real, and still don't know if they are achievable or not, but these are currently my travel dreams for 2016: 

before choosing Sicily as the destination for our lambretta road trip last summer, Marco and i briefly considered going to southern France. since then, i've been daydreaming about lavender fields, blue shutters and charming countryside. i bet Provence landscape and our lambretta would get along just fine. 

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